Welcome to
LLT talking therapy
Personalised therapy for you
Can therapy help me?

Ever notice that knot in your stomach? Get hot and sweaty, and feel as though your heart is racing? Don't feel like you can take a full breath?

Do you avoid things? Ever feel like you'd live your life differently if you felt differently? Noticed any unhelpful patterns playing out time and time again?
Do you notice that your thoughts are often negative, focus on the worst case scenario, or take you away from the present?

Do you believe other people find it easier to manage their emotions than you do?

If you have felt any of the above then you are not alone. Approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year. Therapeutic interventions are recommended in national guidelines and by worldwide health organisations as one of the recommended treatments of choice for many such disorders.
Learn more about the services I provide below, and let me know if you’d like more information about a specific therapeutic approach

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR)
Couples Therapy for Depression

Conflict resolution coaching & mediation
Clinical Supervision

Helen Scott
(BSc Hons, MSc, PG Dip)
Me and my ethos
I am accredited with the BABCP, EABCT, EMDR UK, and EMDR Europe. This offers you some assurances around the quality of my training and practice as every year I am asked to provide information on my continuing professional development, knowledge of current research, and best practice in therapeutic treatment and supervision.
I don't believe that any therapist can be your 'magic pill', but I do believe that with the right therapist and the right therapeutic approach, you have the ability to learn about your psychological patterns, process painful memories, and learn skills and techniques to help you move forward.
I have been working in the psychological domain since 2006 with both children and adults. Working in various settings (with profound and multiple learning disabilities, offending behaviour, violence and anger, brain injury and neurological rehabilitation, and in primary and secondary mental health care, including IAPT and critical crisis care) I have gathered a breadth and depth of knowledge and practice-based evidence that helps me adapt therapy to the individual in front of me.
My therapeutic approach draws mainly on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing, Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
As a scientist-practitioner I often begin therapy by explaining the biology that drives our emotions and physiological reactions. This will allow you to develop practical skills you can use to regain control over your emotions. We will then go on to draw upon a range of approaches to formulate and address individual difficulties.
I can help you with:
Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
Social Anxiety
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Perinatal Depression and bonding difficulties (Moms and Dads)
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Low self-esteem
Life transitions
Sleep difficulties
Pain management
Relationship difficulties

“Thank you so much for all your help and support over the last 6 months. You have helped me to understand myself and feel comfortable and happy within. I can’t thank you enough”

“I don’t have the words to express how much I appreciate all you have done for me. You have given me confidence, self-esteem, strength and purpose. You have changed my life and my sons life forever and we are so thankful”

“Six months ago I was in a not very nice place. I now feel a better and stronger person, more confident and secure, so thank you from the bottom of my heart”
Price List
All therapy sessions are currently conducted online
Assessment and formulation session
£80 (50 minute session)
An assessment session walks through the history of your difficulties and current concerns. We look at goals for therapy and you will leave with a brief formulation and therapeutic treatment plan.
1:1 CBT Therapy
£80 (50 minute session)
During CBT sessions you will be taught a range of bespoke strategies and techniques that are hand picked to target your specific difficulties. You will be asked to complete activities and practice skills between sessions, building upon your progress week after week.
1:1 ACT Therapy
£80 (50 minute session)
ACT therapy teaches you skills and techniques to accept the fluctuating nature of emotions whilst making a commitment to making choices that enable to you to live a valued and meaningful life.
1:1 EMDR Therapy
£80-120 (50-80 minute sessions)
EMDR sessions follow a specific and evidence-based 8-phase protocol. Treatment begins by using the AIP model to ascertain the key memories for processing; bilateral stimulation will then be used to target these problematic memories.
Couples Therapy for Depression
£95 (50 minute session)
After an initial phase 1 formulation session, each partner has one 1:1 session with myself to discuss their history and difficulties. Sessions are then conducted together and will focus on understanding the relationship dynamics and patterns. Each session you will be given tasks to practice together at home with the aim of rebuilding a stronger, empathic relationship.
Conflict resolution & Mediation
Individually priced
1:1 sessions focusing on learning the skills required to address and resolve conflict are available. Alternatively, you may be in need of a mediator in order to manage the dynamics and progress to a resolution. Enquire for more information and pricing.
Clinical Supervision
£80 (1 hour supervision session)
Enter into a safe space to discuss clinical cases. Here you can gain support to view your caseload from the perspective of the 7-eyed model, learn about theory-practice application, and practiced-based evidence and techniques. I also provide supervisory supervision; a unique angle of supervision where you are supported to reflect upon and develop your own supervisory practice.
Please note there is an additional premium charged to sessions via insurance companies.
Qualifications & affliliations
BSc Honours Psychology with Associated Biology for Psychologists
MSc Clinical Applications of Psychology
PG Diploma High Intensity Psychological Therapies
Experiential Introduction to ACT
Putting ACT into practice- Intermediate level
Skill development workshop in ACT- Intermediate level
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
Commercial and Civil Mediation
Supervision skills
BABCP & EABCT accredited CBT therapist
BABCP accredited clinical supervisor
EMDR UK & Europe EMDR therapist

Request more information and book an appointment
Keeping yourself safe
If you find yourself in a crisis and need support to keep yourself safe then please speak to your GP, call 999, or ring the Samaritans 24/7 365 days a year on 116 123.